Synthesis, the name for the 3D printing creative event & exhibition at Fuorisalone Milan Design Week, was linked to our new created works in a real time through our “complete digital creative cycle” during event’s days.
Synthesis’ name comes from 3Discover.it’s initiative to organize an event mixing design, software and hardware through 3D printing revolution. We choose Synthesis’ name because it refers to a combination of some minds that together form something new, such as in this event.
Our new works for the event were created using Autodesk’s Apps such as Meshmixer and the XFAB, a new Stereolithography 3D printer produced by DWS. It was a great opportunity for us to test for first time the XFAB 3D printer, shown in Las Vegas and New York in the beginning of 2014, that will be launched to the market in June.
We look for the best geometric shape that represented the synergies of the event, and we thought in the soap bubbles, where the assembling of several bubbles results in a foam, and the soap bubbles usually last for only a few seconds before bursting, in sense such as this temporary creative event.
All our custom projects for the event were focused around bubbles’ concept.

First we create a gadget for the press conference, as a wearable gift for the journalists, a soap bubble toy-lanyard including our logo and event’s name.

After for the Autodesk’s open day and workshop, we create “bubble man”, a full of soap bubbles figurine and in itself a soap bubble maker with its head, including “Fuorisalone 2014″ in braille code, following the aim of the exhibition of developing the physical aspect as well as the visibile by offering the opportunity to people with visual disabilities to interact directly with the works.
DWS has printed for us a limited edition as art toys, soon available at our webshop and also we will share it at instructables (from Autodesk community) with step-by-step instructions to make it yourself.

Finally as opera’s creation, we ideate an amazing luminous object, where four soap bubbles are joined together, in reference to event’s participants (3Discover.it, Growthobjects, Autodesk and DWS). In the backside we created the soap foam’s structure (voronoi cells) and when you switch on the inside light, the struture appears in a surprising effect!

During certain phases of the development cycle we exposed and described the creative process to the public, in an exploration of our “complete digital creative cycle” in real time:
idea – design – make.
A very creative and intensive week!!
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