Growthobjects participate in a new project called ArtSoNice, where poetry, music, art and geometry will interact together. ArtSoNice is being developed under Megafounder crowdfunding platform.
Read full news at Megafounder’s blog:
“We also met Jordi Bayer, co-founder of Growthobjects, a design company that makes complex objects by using advanced 3D printing. He showed us a piece of jewellery in 18k gold, printed in the shape of human DNA and inspired by a poem by Marc Tarrús. GrowthObjects enables the use of the latest printing technologies to create complex shapes using any materials.
It is, without a doubt, a brilliant way to convert intangible art such as poetry, music, .. to a physical form, tangible, that can be touched…with hardly any design restrictions and tailor made.”
DNA bracelet