2 days workshop focused to introduce participants to the “maker revolution or DIY movement” that is becoming around the world, learning and understanding the possibilities of digital creation and production through open software, online resources, digital tools and 3D printing. Along the two sessions we apply the potential of new technologies for digital creation in a practical way with projects that follow the 4R ecology concept (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Replace) focusing on rethinking everyday objects to give them a second use. The workshop was held at Scientific and Technologic Park of University of Girona in December 2012.
2 sessions of 3 hours / 6 hours
Commissioner: GIDI (Associació del Disseny de Girona).
First Day
All participants discovered free and available digital creation tools for 3D modelling and 3D scanning.
Second Day
After all participants created a 3D model, they learned how to communicate and fabricate with the DIY 3D printers, to materialise their own designs. In this case, a Prusa i3 3D printer with Fused Deposition Modelling process (FDM) with PLA material. While 3D models were 3D printed, we give an overview about 3D printing marketplace and maker community.